Birding in Ngorongoro crater

Birding in Ngorongoro crater : Ngorongoro  is an a great home for a variety of bird species and an excellent birding area in Tanzania, the crater is a resident to over 500 birds species  which stay both in highlands and crater of the Ngorongoro conservation area . Among the birds in Ngorongoro crater annual migrant birds which migrate to the crater from Europe and Asia in the period of September to April, these birds include Lesser Kestrel, the European swallow, European bee eater, the Northern Wheatear, European roller, Pallid Harrier, Caspian Lapwing and the Montagu’s Harrier.

Ngorongoro crater is a bird watcher’s paradise and a home for many bird species such as grassland birds, sandy-grounds nestling birds, tree nestling birds, birds of prey and water birds. Birds seen while on birding safari in Ngorongoro crater include


Ostriches species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Common Ostrich

Guinea fowl  

Guinea fowl species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Helmeted Guinea fowl and Eastern Crested Guinea fowl

Pheasants, Partridges, Turkeys, Grouse  

Pheasants, Partridges, Turkeys, Grouse species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Hildebrandt’s Francolin

Ducks, Geese, Swans  

Ducks, Geese, Swans species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Fulvous Whistling-duck, Egyptian Goose, Spur-winged Goose, Hottentot Teal and Red-billed Teal.


Flamingoes species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Greater Flamingo and Lesser Flamingo

Pigeons, Doves

Pigeons, Doves species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Dusky Turtle-dove and Emerald-spotted Wood-dove

Rails, Gallinules, Coots

Rails, Gallinules, coots species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Black Crake


Cranes species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Grey Crowned-crane


Bustards species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Black-bellied Bustard and Kori Bustard


Stocks species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Marabou, Yellow-billed Stork, Abdim’s Stork, White Stork and Saddle bill

Ibises, Spoonbills  

Ibises, Spoonbills species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include African Sacred Ibis


Herons species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Black-headed Heron


Pelicans species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Great White Pelican

Avocets, Stilts

Avocets, stilts species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Black-winged Stilt


Plovers species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Kittlitz’s Plover, Blacksmith Lapwing, Black-winged Lapwing and Crowned Lapwing

Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes

Sandpipers, snipes, Phalaropes species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Marsh Sandpiper

Secretary bird

Secretary bird species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include secretary bird

Hawks, Eagles

Black-winged Kite, Black-chested Snake-eagle, White-backed Vulture, Lappet-faced Vulture, Martial Eagle, Tawny Eagle, Levant Sparrow hawk, Black Kite, Augur Buzzard and Mountain Buzzard


Bee-eater species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater


Kingfishers species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Malachite Kingfisher and Woodland Kingfisher.


Woodpeckers species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Brown-backed Woodpecker

Falcons, Caracaras

Falcons, caracaras species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Grey Kestrel     Falco and Lanner Falcon


Bush shrikes species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro  include Black-crowned Tchagra and Tropical Boubou


Monarch-flycatchers species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include African Paradise-flycatcher


Shrikes species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro include Common Fiscal


Larks species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro include Fischer’s Sparrow-lark, Rufous-naped Lark and Red-capped Lark

Cisticolas and allies

Cisticolas and allies species sighted in Ngorongoro  while on birding experience include Bar-throated Apalis, Singing Cisticola, Hunter’s Cisticola, Wailing Cisticola and Zitting Cisticola


Reed- warblers species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Mountain Yellow Warbler

Swallows and Martins

Swallows and Martins species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Wire-tailed Swallow

White-eyes and Yuhinas

White eyes and Yuhinas species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include Mbulu White-eye


Oxpeckers species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater Red-billed Oxpecker and Yellow-billed Oxpecker


Starlings species seen while Wattled Starling and Hildebrandt’s Starling

Old World Flycatchers and Chats

Old world flycatchers and chats species sighted while on birding experience in Ngorongoro crater include African Dusky Flycatcher, African Grey Flycatcher, Ashy Flycatcher, White-eyed Slaty-flycatcher, Cape Robin-chat, Northern Anteater-chat, Capped Wheatear, Isabelline Wheatear and Mourning Wheatear


Sunbirds species seen while birding in Ngorongoro include Tacazze Sunbird, Golden-winged Sunbird, Eastern Double-collared Sunbird and Variable Sunbird


Species of weavers seen while on birding experience in Ngorongoro include Rufous-tailed Weaver, Yellow Bishop, Fan-tailed Widowbird, Jackson’s Widowbird, Baglafecht Weaver, Holub’s Golden Weaver, Tanzanian Masked Weaver, Speke’s Weaver and Village Weaver


Wax bills seen while on birding safari in Ngorongoro  include Purple Grenadier, Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Grey-headed Nigrita and African Qualifinch

Pipits and Wagtails

Pipits and wagtails seen while on birding safari in Ngorongoro crater include African Pipit, Yellow-throated Longclaw, Rosy-throated Longclaw and Western Yellow Wagtail


Species of finches seen in Ngorongoro  include Thick-billed Seedeater, Streaky Seedeater, White-bellied Canary, and East African Citril.

Note: the above listed bird species are not the full list of bird species residing and seen in Ngorongoro crater, they are more than the mentioned ones above.

Best time to go for birding safari in Ngorongoro 

Birding in Ngorongoro crater is good throughout the year in but the best birding experience is got in the dry season, dry season in Ngorongoro crater is experienced in the months of June to October. Another perfect time is in the months of September to April when migratory bird species are present in the crater

What to carry on birding safari in Ngorongoro crater

When going for a birding safari in Ngorongoro  there is many essentials which should not miss on your packing list

  • camera and extra batteries
  • binoculars
  • clothing fit for field that’s is long sleeved shirts
  • a safari journal
  • first Aid kit
  • safari guide books
  • Perfectly fitting hiking shoes.a
book a safari