Nairobi Arboretum: Nairobi Arboretums is one of the hall mark tourist’s attractions you shouldn’t miss to visit on Kenya Safari Tours. However, Nairobi Arboretum lies along state house road in the area of Kilimani in Nairobi Kenya. Of which this site was founded in 1907 by Mr. Batiscombe in a bid to try out new forestry trees. Furthermore, before gazette into a national reserve in 1932 by the government and issuance of title deed which later conducted by the commissioner of lands to the government in 1996. Recently, this site measures a 30.4 hectares of wooded landscape, an oasis close to the heart of the Nairobi capital city situated in the Kilimani area, accessing the main destination which takes a short drive from city Centre. The area is amazed of various tree species and nature which are perfect for picnics and team building activities.

How Much entry to Nairobi Arboretum?
A traveler accessing to Nairobi Arboretum must have valid ticket that cost ‘’Kenyan shillings ‘’KSH 50 per adult and KSH 20 per child on Kenya safaris. Still the KHS 1,000 is levied for the photography and KSH 2,500 paid for videography. Each entry tickets can only be bought by credit or debit card. Otherwise electronically and cash is not acceptable here.

What to see in Nairobi Arboretum?
Absolutely, Nairobi Arboretum hosts over 350 species of indigenous and exotic plants and most of them are well labelled. More so ,this site is a great location for bird watchers with over 100 bird species and it’s a home to large number of Sykes and vervet monkeys.
This is one of the best places to sight see excellence specimens from around the world in every clean environment and with well-maintained park such as its cool atmosphere.
Its gardens are well maintained and area made clean and managed better.
There is a canopy forest good for carryout great walks and beautiful tracks to experience species that inhabits the park such as various beautiful butterflies, plants and monkeys. The Kenya tracking trails are quite safe and good areas to relax either reading your novel or listening to music.
The forest gives a good scenic view of the land scape where people visit and don’t get disappointed. Its highly recommended place to go alone for some quiet time of meditation and enjoying with the family or friends for the outdoor game and relaxation.
It’s a calm place with beautiful plants and viewing of notable birds as well as listening music and enjoying the outdoors.
Activities to do at Nairobi Arboretum;
The place is ideal for bird watching, butterfly watching, picnicking, weddings, corporate events, weddings and team building, primates viewing among other.
The place has a green canopy forest where you can do birding from and for you to enjoy you it better you need to carry a pair of binoculars for clear sightseeing of small notable bird species and other species in far distances such birds to see include; Montane White-eye, Ruppell’s Robin-chat, White-eyed Slaty flycatcher ,Grey-backed Camaroptera ,African Paradise Flycatcher ,Bronze sunbird ,Amethyst Sunbird ,African Crowned Eagle among others to see.
Primate viewing
Nairobi arboretum, its forest rewards with primates viewing since it’s also a home to primates such as Vervet monkeys, Black faced guenon and Skypes and Blue monkeys more others.

Wedding and team building
The park has well organized romantic bed room for honey mourners, the staff are also good to team building though.
Butterfly viewing
This is a good location to view beautiful butterfly species mostly to be watched in the forest canopy of the park.