What do Gorilla Eat & Other Facts – Uganda Gorilla Safari
What do Gorilla Eat & Other Facts : What do gorilla eat: Overall, Gorillas are the peaceful and the most powerful apes in the world that ranks half tourism percentage in the entire world. More so, gorillas are the wild species whom we have close genetic of 98 % DNA to humans. However, Gorillas are mainly vegetarian diet, that feed on stems, bamboo shoots and fruits to thrill while on Uganda Safaris
What a gorilla eats in a day?
Gorillas are mainly herbivores and their diet is composed of bamboo, fruit and leafy plants, though western lowland gorillas also feed on small insects. Adult gorillas can eat up to 30 kilograms of food each day.
Other related questions you may know about gorillas as written below;
Do gorillas eat their own poop?
This is also a common asked question to visitors, the answer is yes! Gorillas eat their own feces as well as the feces of other gorillas.
Why are gorillas scared of rain?
The answer is that, gorillas are like other apes like humans who finds it hard to swim naturally which prompts them to stop from expanse water masses of Lakes and Rivers.
Why are gorillas killed for their hands?
The main reason why gorillas are poached is to sell them abroad to rich people who own illegal private animal’s sanctuaries. The locals surrounding the parks tend to get a lot of money through bush meat trade.
Can any animal beat a gorilla?
Yes! We know that gorillas are largest land mammals and the most powerful species and when it comes in fights. It can be beaten up by the Leopard, the only animal in the range of gorillas that have the ability to kill an adult gorilla.
Why do gorillas beat their chest?
Gorillas beat their chest as it believed by the scientists, they use it as a non-vocal communication to both attract females and intimidate potential rivals as well as for protection. This is so common in adult male gorillas ‘’silverback ‘’who protects the gorilla group.
Why not make direct eye contact with a Gorilla?
One shouldn’t try even to have direct eye contact with a Gorilla because it shows to them ‘’silverback gorilla’’ that you want to challenge the group or their territories. The direct eye contact will, therefore trigger the silverback to charge and fight you in protection of his family. The peace you can have with gorillas, to avoid direct eye contact.
What would happen if gorillas went extinct?
If gorillas become extinct, predators will have little to eat, because it is such a large animal and when they become full for longer, all crocodiles will start eating antelopes, for that reason they would then become extinct, because are all like other animal species.
Why do gorillas slap the ground?
A gorilla may vocalize loudly and pound, jump or slap the ground if he turns angry. And they hate looking directly into their eyes, so its advice to the travelers never to look direct to the eyes of gorillas to a void risk.
How can person fight a gorilla?
Never, human to fight a mountain gorilla it is every impossible. We have seen many records of mountain gorillas have killed but there’s no single record of any human ever killing a mountain gorilla while using bear hands.
Where to trek mountain gorillas
Mountain gorillas ‘’Eastern gorillas’’ can be found in three countries Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. In Uganda gorilla trekking takes place in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park and Mgahinga Gorilla national park both lies in southwestern region of Uganda, estimating 9 to 10 hours’ drive to access the place.
What is the cost of gorilla trek?
Gorilla trekking in Uganda goes at fee USD700 per person for Foreign nonresident, USD600 for Foreign resident, USD1,500 gorilla permits in Rwanda and USD400 in Congo. In Uganda there is special habituation, a full day experience with four hours provided to spend with mountain gorillas USD1,500per person.
Essentials to carry on gorilla trekking
They include; long sleeved shirt, long trouser, bottled mineral water, binocular, water day packer, light weight rain jackets, comfortable hiking shoes, insect repellents, digital camera among others
Rules guided for gorilla trekking
Gorillas shares 98% of human genes which is very possible for gorillas to be transmitted by human diseases or other airborne diseases like corona virus, flu, malaria, cough and diarrheas.
Always stay away from gorilla with a distance of 6 to 8 meters away from the gorillas.
Visitors are given only one hour to see the gorillas.
Gorilla trekking is limited to 15 years of age and above.
If you feel sneezing turn behind.
Wash your hands always before embarking for gorilla trekking